A friend had misplaced her link to this blog and asked me to resend it. In turn, I began to think about this blog and how it has been some time since I entered anything. And, as the mind turns, I recalled one of the topics of interest was my health. Thus I am reporting the last meeting, or more to the point, the first meeting, with my cardiologist who specializes in the electronic monitoring of my heart and many other hearts.
What can I say? It was very anti-climatic. A technician downloaded the accumulated data. Asked me about a few high spots, i.e. "are you still bicycling?" "Yes," then removed the print out and disappeared out the door saying the doctor would see me shortly. Approximately 20 - 30 minutes later the doctor came in and said nothing remarkable appeared on the print out. He then presented the option of the device being removed. Whoa, it can come out? Whenever I choose? All right then I will wait until after our next meeting. Now scheduled for the end of March. He then proffered his opinion the initial episode may have been attributed to dehydration rather than a heart issue. What I failed to do was pull the 18 oz bottle of water I had in my coat pocket and explain to him on non-cycling days I drink 3 to 4 of them and on cycling days 6 to 7 when I am at home. Therefore I don't think dehydration was the issue. More like, I lost control on a rough patch of pavement, hit my head and suffered pre-event amnesia amounting to about 5 seconds of my life I will never get back, memory wise, that is. I didn't, so I left him with his opinion and I still have mine.