Last night while watching TV a loud bang came from the back yard. At first I thought someone fired a shot. Then I recalled the limb of the cypress grove leaning way out over the pool. It had been quite windy here Saturday and Sunday(yesterday). The wind had decreased quite a bit this evening so it was surprising the limb broke when it was so much less windy. Below are 3 before pictures.
I determined to cut the end still attached to the tree first. My tool to do so was the electric 8' handle pole saw made by Remington. The picture below is the pole saw with a few of the cut up limb butts . This picture is out of order but it is the only one of the saw.
The first cut to be made was to top the limb and pull it out of the pool. As seen below.
My solution was to get a third rope and tie it around the smaller limb anchoring the rope to a stump from a tree we knocked down last Labor Day Weekend.
Next I attempted to cut the middle portion containing the small limb away from the limb butt. I wanted to do as little damage as possible to Marcia's flower garden. The foliage and the angle of my cut presented problems.
Below is the middle portion pulled free from the smaller limb still attached to the limb butt.
Another picture showing the large middle portion pulled away from the pool.
The pole saw, again, probably a better picture of the tool.
The winds deposited a lot of debris in the pool. Center in the picture at the bottom of the deep end is one more small branch I will have to dive down and remove. First I removed as much floating debris as possible. Then I did some patio cleaning followed by a couple hours of down time. Then I dove into the pool and retrieved the limb. Today's high temp was 97. The pool water felt great.
This picture is the 3 different ropes I used to accomplish this project. They have their own story. Starting from the left is a multi-colored climbing rope left behind by Dameon, I believe. Next, the white one, is a rope purchased by me. And on the far right is a dark brown rope I inherited from my father.
Below is the top portion of the limb, delimbed, and ready to be bucked into firewood chunks.
And this is how I spent my day.