Saturday, July 21, 2012, Lake Louise to Banff
Got a decent night's sleep. During the night thunder storms rumbled through. It was wet this morning, but not raining. We ate breakfast at a couple different establishments in Lake Louise. Went back to the lodge and sat around for a while listening to the last time trial of the Tour. No picture just audio. We left Lake Louise around 9:30.
About 8 miles later we came to a lodge and stopped as they served food. When I went in the waitress said breakfast was over at 10 and they were closed until 11:30. When Mike heard me say the above he wondered if they might still have coffee to serve. He was confirmed for his assertiveness plus they had coffee cake, which proved to be delicious.
We traveled another 10 miles and stopped at Castle Junction, but it was only provided gas, groceries and lodging. No cafe here. Off we rode in the cool, overcast morning. About 5 miles later we stopped at Johnson's Creek, which did have a cafe. Mike, Frank, Geno and I all opted for the soup of the day: potato soup. Delicious and washed down by Geno, Mike and I with milk shakes.
Our next stop was to be Banff and we were greeted by the family below.
Mountain Goats in foreground, (L to R) Jay, Mike, Geno in background.

We traveled a bike path to the outskirts of Banff.
Once in Banff we had to find the hostel. It was a bit of a search and we found it. Bob and Herb were both in bed napping. Bob seemed to feel much better and Herb was still fighting the bug and improving.
We pooled our dirty laundry and marched off downtown to wash and dry the duds. Our evening meal was in a food court adjacent to the laundry.
You may have noticed by now I have posted almost a week's worth of blogs today. The hostel has wifi and it is sufficient to accommodate many users.
My cold lingers with lots of blowing of the nose and some dry coughs and some wet coughs. Energy level waxes and wanes but it is a quarter to 11 and I am still writing.
Today's stats: D= 37 miles, T= 3 hrs., Mx speed= 35.3 mph, Av. Spd.= 12.3, Elevation Gain= 940 feet, Max. Altitude= 5101, ODO= 3236
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