Wednesday, July 11, 2012, Vancouver, BC After a full day Part One
If you have been following this blog then you know I entered the preceding blog around 2 AM this morning. I was awakened by resident noise and lay in bed until 9:30 AM before remembering express breakfast ended at 10. Cheerios, muffin and a cup of coffee were consumed in my one person bedroom. The kitchen is just around the corner from my room. It is also next to the stairway with a door separating the stair flights. It bangs when it shuts, all night long. Thank God, I can sleep with my bad ear up, but when the stair door is in constant use the vibration seeps through.
I ate breakfast and thought about my day. What to do, what to do? I decided to go for a walk, which resulted in a block or two walk where I spotted a place offering breakfast and decided to eat some more food. I returned to the room as breakfast went straight through. I went back out again. These two walks were just up and down Granville Street. The second walk resulted in a stop at a coffee shop where I sat and people watched while consuming a latte. And thought some more about what I could do. One thing to do was get my train ticket to Jasper. If I could find a bike shop nearby perhaps they might have a bike map of Vancouver. My phone provided me with a bike shop nearby. They did indeed have a bike map and it was free. A nifty map, small and compact but contains all the information one may need when bicycling in Vancouver. I returned to my room to dress in my bike togs, which required a couple trips to secure storage to get everything I needed to ride my bike in comfort and style. The large rear panniers and the tent with tarp were removed from the bike and tagged. I took the remaining small pannier upstairs to my room as it had my bike clothes in it.
I consulted the map to get a route to the train station, dressed, and left the room to claim my Rex from secure storage. The route I chose to follow was the bike path skirting the edge of False Creek bay.
And now I must warn you, dear reader, begins the first of many effusing statements regarding the magnificence and gorgeousness Vancouver is. Sailing boats at anchor, high rise apartments overlooking the water, pedestrians separated from the bikes, art work, and parks, parks, parks, everywhere. Pictures to follow.
After a few stops and reverses I found the way to the station. Inside it was a quick conversation and I had my ticket in my hand. A check with the station clock indicated it wasn't 2:30 yet. Now what to do? I decided to ride around Stanley Park. The map indicated the route to take. I got off course a couple times but finally found the bike path around Stanley Park. Below is a picture of my first look back at down town. Blew me away.
Now that(above) is a skyline! (in my humble opinion)
I quickly became disabused of the bike path as it was densely filled with novice users(cyclists primarily). Young kids wandering from left to right and back again, skaters, skateboarders, and those who stop suddenly without warning or indication. About the time I was completely fed up I noticed a cyclist on the adjacent road steaming by me. I began looking for a safe way for the Rex and me to exit the bike path. But first a few more pictures.
I exited the bike path after the above pictures and rode the one way highway to the view point above Third Beach.
I returned to the hostel, dialed in a station on the rooms radio and heard a report about the Gastown Grand Prix bike races. After stretching and showering I descended the stairs to the lobby and inquired if Gastown was at the north end of Granville. The answer was yes and about a 15 minute walk. I stopped at the Speakeasy Bistro and had dinner. This is the same place I had breakfast, which went straight through me. What is life if we don't take risks? I wnet back to check out their Speakeasy Lager on special. I ordered a halibut burger with yam fries. A very good choice which was consumed completely. The lager was OK, but to get a comparison I ordered a Moosehead Lager. Between the two I preferred the Speakeasy but it would not necessarily be my first choice between somehting else. And maybe my expectations or the lager baris set to high. All lagers nowadays are compared to Ray Macafee's Lassen Lager, one of his home brews and the best lager I have drank. I have videos of the bike races so I am going to end this portion of my 7/11 blog and continue on in the next blog. Beshides I am waiting for the iMovie app to download and I have heard from Bob and Geno who have made it through customs and are boarding the SkyTrain to Granville Street.
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