Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 28, Tuesday, August 14, 2012, Missoula to Hamilton, MT

Day 28, Tuesday, August 14, 2012, Missoula to Hamilton, MT

We were rolling out of the motel at 8 AM headed for breakfast at a restaurant called The Catalyst. Good breakfast with a lot of variety. Afterwards we followed Higgins and other streets to the edge of Missoula and got back on the 93.

The 93 is a busy highway with four lanes and fast traffic. It provides ample shoulder, but otherwise is forgettable.

When we arrived in Lolo we accessed a bike path we knew would take us all the way to Hamilton. The sky was hazy with smoke and would be for the rest of the day. 

Looking north towards Lolo and Missoula.

Now looking west toward Idaho.

Same as above, but a little more to the right.

St. Mary's Peak barely visible through the smoke.

As advised when we arrived in Florence right in front of the bike path was a sign saying PIES at Glen's Cafe. Also at this sign was Greg Siple official photographer at Adventure Cycling Associates. He was playing hooky, sort of, and had ridden out to meet a relative who was doing the Trans Am east to west, to Seattle. He was taking pictures as he talked with Mike and I.

Mike and I went into Glen's and had pie, two pieces apiece. I chose blackberry and Mike cherry. Mine was still warm. I finished it and the waitress asked if I wanted more and I said I was thinking about it. A few minutes later she asked again and I chose Lemon Meringue. Mike inquired if there was enough for two. She affirmed there was and said she was going to give us the pie. At first we didn't comprehend and she made her offer more clear to us in that it was getting old, but still would taste good. We accepted.

We had finished our second helping when Mike spied Geno speeding by us. Mike dashed out the door to call him back to us, but Geno was on a mission to stay up with another cyclist. Mike stayed out by the bike path to bring the others in to pie. Herb called Geno's phone and had to leave a message. Jay, Frank, Bob and Herb came in and ordered their pie. Eventually, Geno showed up and had his pie.

On our way to Stevensville Geno and Bob sped away. I knew the ACA route reflected no bike path after Stevensville, although we had been told by ACA staff the bike path now extended to Hamilton. The ACA route did not show food sources on the 93, which the bike path paralleled. The bike path also split into two paths with one going under the 93 towards Stevensville. The remaining five voted to get refreshments at the grocery store across the road then get back on the bike path and see where it led. Would it turn and follow the ACA route or stay with the 93?  It stayed with the 93 and we caught up with Geno and Bob at a pub in Victor, MT. 

After Victor was a long, hot, smokey, nine miles to Hamilton. I had awakened at 3 AM this morning and could not fall back to sleep. I was feeling the fatigued. 

We are spending the night at the Super 8 in Hamilton. Dinner was good and now I am through for the day.

Stats: D= 48.8, T= 4:05, Mx= 22.7, Av= 11.9, El Gain= 684, Mx Alt= 3623, ODO= 3963

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